Monday, June 25, 2012

Hi there!

Welcome to my blog.

It is with apprehension that I begin this personal blog.

I’m scared about what people will think and what they will say, or how they will react. Worried that people are going to think I’m silly. Or stupid. or completely NOT interesting enough to have a blog for petes sake.
I had one once. A few years ago.  But the boy* that I was with at the time didn’t like it. If I dare mentioned one thought, idea, emotion, or fact on my blog that I hadn’t already told him? Wowsers. Look out. So my heart kinda still quivers a bit doing this again.

But that was then, and this is now, and I’m doing this for me. And it will be truth. Honest truth. It might be sad. It might be funny. It might even be boring. (Actually it probably will be.) But it will be real. So stuff em.

Because you see, every now and then I get the feeling that I might actually be a little bit ok. A wonderful person even.  A good sister, a fun aunty, a beautiful girlfriend. I’d like to have that feeling more often. I’d like to become a better person. I’d like to get real with myself and be honest and express myself so I can grow and learn and trust and believe in myself more.

Xo Mim

* I’m with a man now. Mr Man is my best friend, he’s amazing, 100% kind and supportive and understanding. I’m thankful for every moment I’m by his side.)

1 comment:

  1. I don't think you're a mess at all Mim! You ARE wonderful and beautiful and amazing and all the good and lovely words in the whole dictionary!! Love you xoxo
