I think I lost a friend. I'm feeling not-so-nice emotions about everything that went down.. tossed in with feelings of 'what the?','what on earth did I do?', and' her loss'.
So I'm glad and thankful its not raining still. I look out my window and see bright blue sky, and a clothesline FULL of clothes from the wet week. And sunshine!
I'm also glad and thankful for the beautiful (albeit droopy) flowers that Mr Man bought me on Thursday. They are sunshine.
I'm stuck inside doing a uni assignment today. Its due on Monday. Today is Saturday. I rock. (I'm saying that in a sarcastic tone.) Its a big assignment. One learning table from a play experience, one analytic essay, AND a reflective essay, all fully researched and referenced. *groans* I really cant see the light at the end of the tunnel yet.
MOST of all, I'm thankful for the SUNSHINE that is Mr Man. He has been busy doing all the housework today, bringing my breakfast to the study, then my lunch. And cups of tea and Mint Slice biscuits in between.
He makes me happy... when skies are grey... (and so does Miss Dog who is very happy today because Dad and Mum are home and she is getting her 10 km walk. Yes. 10kms. Overboard you think ? You dont know Miss Dog! )
Anyway, enough procrastination, back to uni I go. Hope you are all having a great sunshiney Saturday..
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