Yesterday I got an upsetting email which has made me think about life and how it changes, and how those changes affects your friendships .
Yes my life has changed, I met Mr Man, I moved to a different town. I'm not single anymore, my time is shared. I have new friends and new family members to build relationships with.
My priorities have changed. I'm in a different stage of life I guess.
And so yes, dear friends, its harder to catch up sometimes. Life gets a little busy at times, and lately, there has been a WHOLE lotta stuff dragging me down.
Wouldn't a real friend understand that? It doesn't mean that my friends dont matter to me anymore. I'm not dropping off the face of the planet.
Would I have been better off saying, " Hi Mr Man, yes I have fallen in love with you, I think you are the greatest person I've ever met, but sorry, I cant move away to be with you, because it might affect my friendship with <insert name here>" ????
I try my best. I make an effort, to plan ahead. To catch up when I can, to care.
The thing is, I cant do everything ALL the time.
There's full time work and all the take-home work, the daily two hour commute, uni study and assignments, seeing friends, seeing Mr Man's friends, seeing both of our families, housework to do, a home to make, a relationship to grow.
* sighs* sometimes it feels very overwhelming when so many people are putting pressure on me, and I'm putting pressure on myself to be this 'superwoman' woman. Because I want to be able to do it all.
But I'm just me. and I struggle at the best of times.
My point is life changes. and when it does, I don't need friends giving me grief. I need friends who respect my decisions and support me, and make an effort back.
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