Friday, July 13, 2012

and now ?

Fast forward through a few more days like that . (Leave the house at 6.00am, get home at 7.40pm,  shower, eat, collapse into bed.)

It’s Saturday. And I’m sick.  I’m exhausted and I’m sick. I just slept for 3 hours while Mr Man was at a birthday party we were invited to L. I feel nauseous, my glands hurt.  It feels like there is a ball of fire in my throat and talking is quite the effort. I just decided I need fruit icy poles for said fire ball so Mr Man has gone out to get them for me, and vitamins.  I have a handful of pills sitting in front of me to take but I don’t want to have to swallow them. 

Tomorrow we are supposed to be going out of town to surprise my dear friend for her birthday and I fear I won’t be well enough L  I guess I had this coming.

On the bright note, I’m going to try and apply for a job this week which is ten minutes away from home. Ten minutes. Not two hours. How delightful. 

A day in the life...

6.00: wake up. Outside is so cold. The bed is so warm. 
6.30: leave the house. Coffee  in hand.

8.00: get to work 
I do an hour of work before my shift starts.

 9:00 my work shift begins.

5.45: work shift ends, I get back into car and head home

7.30: home.  Do uni.
8.00: shower, Mr Man cooks dinner, we eat.
8:30 : I wash up, organise clothes for the morning.  
9: 00: bed 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Just wanted to share this beautiful true story about Kyrie and Brielle Jackson. Born prematurely in 2000, Kyrie was healthy, Brielle was much smaller and struggling.

Brielle was going down hill one day, oxygen levels down, heart beat fast, breathing irregular, pale, crying non stop.

Nothing was working so the nurse on duty went against hospital protocol and lay Brielle in with her sister. The two had not seen each other since they were born, the day before.

When she came back a minute later, this is what she saw.
Kryrie had somehow, reached up and wrapped her arm around her sister.
Brielle had stopping crying, her colour returned, her heart beat steadied, her oxygen levels rose. She continued to improve from that day on.

Amazing at first but then you think well. of course!