Thursday, August 2, 2012

it struck me...

I’m writing this on Friday. On Monday, I dislocated my knee at work. To be more accurate, I dislocated my left patella.  So pain, ambulance, long wait, xray, brace, crutches later, I’m home for two weeks.  I can’t drive yet because I cant bend my leg enough to physically get into the car.

I’ve watched movies, finished my book, been to the doctor, organised paper work, referrals, Work cover forms, emails, phone calls etc. And I’ve done some laundry, reorganised the pantry, vacuumed etc. Just a little.   All the while, Mr Man has been telling me NOT to do anything, and to REST MY LEG. Which is fine but I want to do things, and I’m stubborn sometimes and the pain isn’t that bad.  I’ll be fine. ‘Little Miss Independent’ somebody said.  Hmmm.  

Anyway, I’m over being stuck at home. Over It. . . So last night I announced, tomorrow is Friday. I’m going to try and drive.  I want to go here and get this, I want to get this, I want to leave the house.

And Mr Man gently but firmly suggested that I don’t. That I have to stop and let my leg heal and maybe next week I can drive.  That it won’t get better if I keep using it.

“I should have taken the week off to look after you’ he said.

I replied. “ I…… don’t need taking care of…  I’m fine! .’
 ( which is SO typical of me.)

Mr Man, stopped, turned around, looked at me straight in the eye and said
 “Let me take care of you’. 

And then he said it again, stopping at each word in emphasis.
‘Let.  Me. Take. Care. Of  You’.

And then it struck me. It really did.  I have to let Mr Man take care of me.
 I have to let him love me.

Me being a stick in the mud stubborn and independent is robbing him of being able to love me in this way. And that’s not fair.  

That’s the beauty about love.. its about wanting to be looked after as much as wanting to look after.  I want to take care of Mr Man as much as I love how he wants to take care of me.

So, I’m home today. I’m not going anywhere. I haven’t done any housework.  
I have rested my leg as much as possible.

And you know something else ? Mr Man is right. 
For the first time, I Googled my injury.  And the physio injury page on Dislocated patellae states that:  the most fundamental component to recovery is that the patient rests sufficiently from ANY activity that increases their pain until they are symptom free. 

Well. There you go.

I love you Mr Man. 

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