Well. I have been totally re-inspired about healthy living
Two fabulously inspiring women who have both fought off
cancer through healthy eating and living.
I read the e-book, I read some posts, I read some truths and
it all really encouraged me to change my ways for the better. You only get one
life don’t you. I don’t want to be tired
and sick and not at my best for mine. Not for me, not for my partner, and not
for my children.
So. For me, and my
health and my life, and my relationships, I’m making some changes.
I’m trying NOT to go crazy.. I’m going to make small changes
one at a time so I don’t crash and burn.
Today, we bought a blender. Its gorgeous. Its silver and
black and flashy and I just took it out of the box and its now sitting on the
kitchen counter. Because you see, you
need a blender for all those fresh and tasty juices and smoothies. This unexpected and spontaneous purchase was
fun. I’m excited!
Now, first on the list of changes is coffee. No more coffee
for this little one. I am going to have one cup of tea with no sugar in the
mornings instead, and herbal teas during the day. ( and yes, I know, I’m still
having caffeine in black tea. Just let me get through the first week, and then
we’ll talk more kay?)
Secondly, I’m going to make myself (and Mr Man if he wants)
at least one healthy smoothie per day. I bought lots of greens and fruit today.
And if you mix it all up with some coconut cream, apparently it tastes pretty
good. I still have to go buy some kale and some stevia . ( I had
to google both those words to find out what they were. There is no shame in
Thirdly, I have to
try and drink lots more water. If I
could surgically attach a water bottle to my hip I would.
Now I would include exercise in this. Excerise is the bomb!
It is good for you in about a thousand different ways. But unfortunately, I’m still recovering from
dislocating my knee. My bearded but strangely attractive physiotherapist tells
me I need to wear my blue leg splint for another week at least so my knee can
heal. I can only walk for about 15
minutes before my knee starts to throb and swell. So exercise will have to wait for another
week or so unfortunately.
I also really want to start YOGA. Being a highly sensitive person, I’m prone to
anxiety, stress, frustration and general emotional breakdowns for no good
reason. I have a feeling that yoga is
for me. I have a yoga DVD all ready to go!
I’m going to do this and I’m going to feel great for it J
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