Monday, August 6, 2012

the food we eat

Over the past few days, I've thought a lot about the way I eat, after reading and discovering a great 'healthy life' blog called Pay Now Live Later. (Check it out at I also watched an informational video about the Primal/Paleo way of living and eating, which you'll also find on this blog.

 I think its quite obvious that the most influential factor on our health and bodies is what we EAT and cant really understand why doctors dont see the link. I'm sorry, the results show that you have *insert horrible disease here*.  WHAT DO YOU EAT???

Anyway, that's one of my thought processes this week.

I love the idea of eating only food which has five or less ingredients. 
and not eating ingredients that you cant say ?
 Great idea, because otherwise what is it that you are putting into your body exactly ?? 

 And that is the truth. Which means that every single thing you eat or drink is one or the other. 
Doesnt it?

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