Thursday, July 18, 2013

My New BFF, Treadmills & Acne

I’ve had a new best friend this week. Glen 20. Its comes in a green spray can. Its smells nice. And, here comes the kicker, it kills 99.9% of germs. Nasty ones. 
Any germ that you don’t want, it kills.
Thankyou Glen 20 for making me NOT get sick.  

Mr Man has been sick, you see.  Sick like no-one ever wants to get sick. Sick in a very contagious way.   I’ve been busy driving him around, making him ginger tea and frantically disinfecting the house and washing my hands.  Then he got worse and had a night in hospital. It was hard, seeing him like that. All shaking and shivering in bed, feeling like death, hooked up to machines and drips. And me , sitting useless,  unable to make him feel any better.

Mr Man’s home now and slowly, on the mend.  Suddenly he smiles and my heart leaps and I realise that I haven’t seen that gorgeous smile in days. I love his smile.  I haven’t been able to work much this week, busy taking care of him. So, in about two weeks, you’ll probably hear me stressing about money. Actually I’ve been stressing already. But anyway.

Our life being turned upside this week has really made me appreciate and feel grateful for our health and normality. Sometimes life feels like a treadmill, but its not really. We are moving forward. And the scenery is slowly starting to change. And the most important thing, is that Mr Man and I are doing it together. Yes, we might feel like we are on a treadmill. But we are holding hands and we are walking together. So its okay. In fact, its GREAT.

STRESS brings me to another topic – acne. I’m 30 years old which means I get wrinkles AND acne and what a wonderful combination that is!  I’m suffering weird acne at the moment so I did a bit of research and discovered that the kind of acne I have is caused by hormones and stress . I found this oh-so-informative diagram which you may be interested in…

Interesting huh ? Chinese Medicine, I reckon there is something to it, I really do. 

I gotta go make more tea now..  


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