Saturday, June 28, 2014

permission to rest

This weekend I gave myself strict instructions to REST. I've been sick for two weeks, and have been feeling burnt out and exhausted.

I don't usually slow down much on weekends,  I keep moving. Housework. Shopping. Errands. Ironing. Washing. Assignments.Must. keep. going.

But this weekend, I woke up slowly when I was ready and lay in bed for at least another half an hour.. and then meandered around the house.

 I went outside with Miss Kitty and Miss Dog and lay in the sun, sipping a hot chocolate. Sunshine is so good for your soul. Plus you get Vitamin D, which is good.

Then, when I was ready, we went the shops and pottered around. When I got home, I relaxed on the couch and watched my favourite tv show.  Then I slowly did the ironing before watching a movie.

Ah such a slow relaxing pace of life .

I should do this more often.

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